Monday, February 9, 2015

"Some song I was writing" By Luis Porraz

I'm sitting here in darkness and I don't know what to do

The shadows are consuming me I wish I could get through
When I think it's over I keep thinking of you
What did you do, what did you do to me
Again and again I try to pretend your words are illusions
Trying to drown out your ways of causing intrusions
But I can't help me
But I can't help me
Sometimes I lose myself in you 
Never wanting to find a way back 
What stops me? what's holding me down?
These thoughts are like quicksand 
Swallowing every motion I make 
Suffocating each and every inch of my body 
Depression is the only branch in reach 
With sadness as my only savior 
I've lost all taste in this world 
Now all I have to savor are my memories 
Because the present and I are enemies 
So many things I tried to say 
But I'm always in a rush 
To get away from you 
Just know its not your fault and it will never be
The distances between us and it is a must 
To keep my sanity 
To dream my fantasies 
To miss my family 
So I can let you see
What's right with me
What's right with me
Where do we go when dreams die?
By Luis Porraz

Miraculous that they vanished
Just like my future I've been banished 
Tossed out to suffer in the cycle of hate 
With chains increasing in never ending weight 
There are no exits or expiration dates 
Darkness all over, hearing dreams cry themselves to death
Where it's possible to choke on air 
Gasping, asking for a quick slaughter 
Regrets come to life stabbing you 
With anguish, humility, and hopelessness 
Tears stay inside afraid to show weakness 
Never to evaporate, flooding your thoughts 
Heavy headed regretting ever asking "where do we go when dreams die?"
"You didn't see me when I was here, so how could you miss me when I'm gone" -Luis Porraz
Cast Away
By Luis Porraz

How would I know I'm not invisible when you aren't there to tell me
My words scream for help, only to hear the echoes again and again
Engulfed by the emptiness but prevent showing any sign
Corroding from the inside out knowing this problem is mine
It's ok, I'm fine, it's what I always say but you'll never know
Because when I did all I ever saw was merciless ridicule
All I ever heard laughter with certainty
All I ever felt was a lash from rejection
A subject for societies objection...
The Closest Stranger
By Luis Porraz

Remember all those games we used to play
Now you're nothing but a stranger
Everytime I see you now
All I register is danger
To you a friend's a task
You can always adapt with your liquid mask
You're the blade that cuts the veins of friendship
It's a shame I should've read the fine print
You were the patch on my favorite jacket that fell off
Now you avoid me too walking away with a fake cough
You can't see the scars but you can feel them when I talk
Now it's just your memory that takes me on a walk
It's just honesty, I understand go ahead and mock...
Message from the heart
By Luis Porraz

You thought I was missing! 
I hear these voices telling him he's empty
I'm sorry dear owner for sealing myself away
I wish it was different, I wish I could've stayed
This is how I react when I get betrayed
Not just once but over and over in life I got played
This time I was dying and as a reflex I became frozen
I became the numb you feel inside, invisible to yourself
I know you understand others yet aren't believed
So when you hear them you can never be deceived
You still go along knowing you'll get stabbed from behind
I would say please there is a cure for you to find
I wish I could fix it, but love's an incurable disease
Go on without me, you're what everybody sees

With love frozen in time,
Your heart that's one of a kind
Misunderstood is Music
By Luis Porraz

Any other musicians out there?
Alone, dreaming of music and drowning in melodies
These things are permanent like broken memories
With the curse to heal everybody but yourself?
Secluded, in fear of being used for such a blessing
Choking on the thought that they'll leave you guessing
Why do we become a tool for entertainment?
Fame, the only way we see a chance for survival
Sharing the fact that we're all the same but in denial
What a curse... What a blessing...
Just the thought has me stressing...
Two Halves
By Luis Porraz

To others my writing is guidance yet for me it is essential for survival. Even though I write/sing/cry out my emotions, it doesn't seem like enough. Is there such thing as a cure for this depressive madness? I miss my mom, I miss the dad I never had, I miss the siblings that were taken, I miss my friends, most of all I miss myself. It gets even worse when I'm told to choose a side between two friends because I can't, I choose both and I end up with them leaving. What kind of friend am I to agree with them, when will this end...
Letting Go
By Luis Porraz

Thoughts of wisdom traveled in the wind lifting my spirit and soothing my soul
The lack of knowledge helped me let go of the problems that I had manifested
The air had a scent filling my lungs with willpower and stamina to ensure I reached my goal
Beauty reflected on water as I stared unto thee, no longer to believe I was infected
Now I ask not why, but who was at fault for these events that occured
I knew it foolish to ask yet the answer came by emotion, here I thought it be described by words
Remember when you lie, you're accepted for what you're not. Why do you fear being seen for who you are? (Answer that and dwell on the thought long enough till you can't take it anymore but to show your true self)
Where am I?
By Luis Porraz

I'm traumatized
Haunted by the fact that I'm still alive
Everyday I feel like I'm a sacrifice
Writing confidently to cover these fears 
Tears scream hiding the anguish from torturous years
Ridiculed as a man showing such emotions
Crumbling inside to find a cure, a potion 
Nevertheless he is a continuous victim 
Fighting reflections and people trying to infect him
What does he do? there has to be a solution 
His life is aching, is death the only substitution?
Even the mask is losing the ability to pretend 
He's always running in his head, he hears the knife calling again
Writing is the only escape from this wretched reality
It's corrupting everything including his fantasy...
When I was a child I always wanted to fit in but I was like water flowing through the holes of their standards. Now that I know better, I am the water that is essential to survive and I was born with the right ammount. (Moral of this short story, don't let others take or contaminate your water)
Love Inbound
By Luis Porraz

Love is and asteroid, Earth bound
Until it makes an impact you won't hear a sound

So you fear the thought of it destroying you
It's not abnormal, it's something new
Wasteful Thinking
By Luis Porraz

I see your shadow crying telling me of your sorrow
Exposing your suicide attempt for the day to follow
We may not know each other but I'll want you here tomorrow
It'll be over, I promise! (I've already lost so many)
One day less, please don't worry (if it's beauty you've got plenty)
I cannot lose you too~
I don't know what I'd do~
We just got to make it through!
We live in a society where we pay attention to the label of a product instead of the ingredients... sometimes I hate that I know this because I want to change this, you know what one day I will. Be it that I do it on my own depends on who else sees this and is willing to change.
Drowned Dry
By Luis Porraz

What happens when their sorrow runs dry
Will their words float around broken and empty
Raspy with thoughts that drought other minds
Fragile enough to blow away with the wind
Not even a spec of this wishful dust lingers
Abandoned as a whisper not worthy to spread
Just like the artist who wrote it, who died in a riverbed
By Luis Porraz

I have known you forever, fortunately we just met
Love is such a mystery in which I can't forget
You don't know it yet but you've saved me
My path was a blur that you have set clear
There is synergy with you and I yet to be tapped into
When I gaze upon the stars I feel your touch
Caressing my soul with your very glance
What a surprise and not, at the same time
Because we're confused and certain that this is fine
Love is an indefinite question and solution
Love has a mind of its own...
If your words produced a shape and color, what would they be?
By Luis Porraz

Your smile paints me yellow
Even broken I am mellow
Hello? Do I not exist
Are the clues of suffering to shallow
Do these hollow words hold no meaning
My eyes are sorry for forever dreaming
They see my body is violet
When you ask, I can't describe it
How far am I gone...
How far am I gone...
Or am I gone at all?
Raised Misfortune
By Luis Porraz

I'm trapped in a portrait of my lost family
How can I live when death is my only memory
These bloody waves crash on this ridged shore
Death is the excuse I have been longing for
Let us dance on our grave and watch our bodies rot
Laugh at cupid for lading such a crooked shot
I've misspelled love before, mistakes attack
Time wears a mask and I'm not going back
Backbone shatters with brittle sanity
This is the card destiny has handed me

If I could punch depression in the face, I would

Then I'd be a bully, now you know why I'm misunderstood
Constant contradictions rage within
I watch and wonder which will win
Exhausted by this world I'm living in
So I sit, type this tangent and sound like I'm giving in
Confusing myself because I cry with a happy grin

By Luis Porraz

I feel funky, it's something new thanks to you
I feel drunk, on love the thing you give to me
I feel alive, you're pulse inside pumping through
I feel insane, believing in a myth you set free
I feel whole, the other half someone stole
But most of all you make me feel
The numb has ran away
If only my heart could speak
It wouldn't know what to say...
Jump to Our Death
By Luis Porraz

Miracles are facing extinction
Breaking points have reached a peak
Dreams continue to commit suicide
The ones that survive have to hide
Shattered internally, craving to live
Exchanging hope the only thing we have to give
Wishing on a long dead star, billions of miles away
No idea where we are, we group together and decay
The ground, our only comfort sinks
Running to a rooftop holding our breath
To fearful to even begin to think
With our last drop of faith, Jump to our death
By Luis Porraz

There's a taste that's disgusting, dwelling deep within
Could it be a monster craving to commit a sin
Tainted spirit that was once clean, now wants to kill
Watch eyes turn back and enjoy every thrill
Still there is no satisfaction for this monstrosity
The very soul itself has been infected with animosity
Ludicrous for such a feeling spawning spontaneously
I hear the demon whisper "there is no spot here left for me"
A path appears showing me death is nothing to fear
Again this suicidal recital continues to fall nowhere near
Heartless has found a host, it chose me to live in infamy
Tragic to see good evolve into evil, but no one was there to see
Farewell reflection of a failure, may we never meet again
Don't even dare to smile because I know you love to pretend
With you here
By Luis Porraz
(Vanessa I miss you, even though it's been a few hours. It feels like days)

Everything is racing past my eyes
The ground fights the sky
Yet time stands still
An illness readies to make it's kill
Stabbing me with grief, do you feel it too?
Loneliness is dissecting every thought of you
Holding on to memories, they keep telling me
"If I take a step into the future it'll be the end of me"
We work in synchronicity, a balance of unity
Division is an absent enemy with you near
With you here, there is no such thing as fear
Only with you here my dear...
                       And if so

                                      How f  r

Was love worth it,
                            The scars we have

Was I foolish to believe and let you follow
                                                                  Love is a river of time

We can                    in it today

                           And lose sight of our
-Luis Porraz

We live in a society where we find substitutions instead of solutions...
Where freedom is an illusion, being held by a noose head
The futher we get the tighter the grip
~Luis Porraz
Anywhere but Hell
By Luis Porraz

Her words had stricken his soul, with every breath reinforcing each memory to become permanent. How could he forget the way her tongue drew out those sharp words like a sword making it's kill. Yet no blood came out. He could've sworn he was injured but there was no wounds. He continued shaking as if he were going into cardiac arrest. His heart was withering away, falling to pieces that crumbled into nothing. That nothing began to crave a substitute. Unsatisfied with anything, it became a void. Darkness was born. The evil he swore wouldn't consume him became his only chance of survival. Every breath he takes burns from the intensity of the cold. Lungs black from frostbite, searching for warmth which he can no longer sense in such a cruel world. Where has he to go?
Last Smoke
By Luis Porraz

Leaning back on a concrete wall as I begin to reminisce
Thinking of our glory days while this cigarette and I kiss
Doing my best to smoke out our blissful memories
I remembered the way your eyes danced when observing me
As if a ballad of my life were prancing in your head
Will these images please turn real become solid for me to feel
As the nicotine and paper burns out along with these visions
Reality strikes back into motion and I am left standing in a valley alley
Watching the last fumes vanish with our untapped future passing
With no smoke left to inhale I begin gasping
Life blurs and I feel my last movement, collapsing

Truth or Lie
By Luis Porraz

Man, a word that haunts many men because they can't be described by image
Tough, the way they are presented to be like
Weak, something they aren't supposed to be like regardless of the situation
Superior, no just stupid enough to think so
Chivalrous, to know what it's like to follow instead of lead
Masculine, of course, they need to be so that they may protect their mate
Lady, the other half of this unstable creature
Never should they belittle or abuse a woman
Because if so, this is no man
What you have in front of you is a coward
By Luis Porraz

Time passes like a flash in the sky
The irrational I when I try to deny
That I don't need you by my... side
Self-taught suicide, I need my whole plate
I need my soul mate, I need you!
Buttons closing my soul's fabricated clothing
Without you I'm self-loathing...

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Subliminal Love

When doctors said I was a lost cause, you sewed me back together
You make me feel this sense of forever, to me you are a miracle
I admit at first I didn't see it at all but only time tells you the answer
And mine? Mine was that you shine, brighter than 10 billion stars
My girlfriend, I actually have a girlfriend, as if I could hold the happiness which had dwelled deep within 
any longer
An explosion of chemicals caused a chain reaction in my synapses
She's the one, she's the one, she's definitely the one
I've fed myself this phrase before just to step into rejection
For once I had the balls to ask a girl out, oh my god, she said yes
I have to brag, I have to tag her on every picture on instagram
Hashtag, soul mate, shades of grey turned into day
You are the one that understands my nonsense as if it were our language
The language of love where no one but us knew what we said
Oh, I mustn't share for I wouldn't dare speak of what's in my head
My love, this is for you, the one that listens to one poem before going to bed